Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dear George Corrected

My life as Dear George may be short lived as I have been corrected by "Anonymous." This is, I believe the proper response to 'what's up?'.

Actually, in the oneness of all things, there is no "my life" or "your life". There is only "all this stuff" tangled and stuck together like a gummy-worm smush-in. So an appropriate answer to "what's up?" might be something like "this n' that". ~ Anonymous

At first I did not buy the logic that Anonymous used to come to "this and that," but as I thought about it more closely I realized that he or she is correct. Think about what kind of things in peoples lives would qualify as the "what's up" thing that is happening to a person at any give time. i. e. the thing that the individual believes is the most important thing in their life at that time. There is a very finite list of topics.

"What's up?"

~ I'm getting married

"What's up?"

~ I hate my job

"What's up?"

~ I have the gout

You see my point, there is only a finite number of things that are big enough to qualify as the 'one thing' that a person would talk about as being 'the thing' that is up in their life at any particular time. Given that you will most likely tell the same stories as other people over the course of your life and it is only the fact that you happen to be in a different phase that determines the story you tell. It is reasonable to say, as Anonymous does, that we are all in this stuff tangled like gummy worms, but some of us are in the red gummy worm, others of us are in the green gummy worm and still others of us are in the blue gummy worm. Hence, the response of 'this and that,' which could cover any topic in the finite list of topics that qualify as your 'What's Up,' is, I believe, perfect.

Thank you Anonymous.

Dear Anonymous,
Was this blog much too Emo?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear George,

What are you supposed to do when you are an honest, hard-working blog-commentor, out there on the internet trying to just get through the daily round, and these egotistical bloggers keep picking fights and pushing you around with a lot of textual harrassment?

Sinsillery yours,