Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Working Father's Room
In today's society it is important that all things are equal. We no longer are the savages of the past who must succeed or fail based on our God given ability and drive. In fact, I must castigate myself for using the term "God given," for we all are born with the same level of intelligence and drive to succeed given to us by whatever deity we believe in, or none at all. Only the happenstance of the artificial position we are bound to on the societal totem pole leads to differences in ones outward abilities. It is this artificial societal social cast system that allows one person to become rich, while another stays poor and one to succeed as a scientist while another flips burgers. With all our knowledge, all our advancements, all that we have accomplished as a race, how, I ask you, can we allow this outdated synthetic concept of differences among individuals hold us back. Einstein was not special, he was lucky! Michael Phelps is a fraud. If you were given the opportunity to swim 7 hours a day, you too could win eight gold metals. Do I not speak the truth, do you not see that your failures are not to be laid at your feet, but are to be blamed squarely on circumstance? Brick by brick we must tear down this wall that defines us by false standards. Oh, I grant you, humanity has made some strides in the right direction. I give you public education and the US post office as but two of many examples. But we must do more! Many places of work in society are little more than poorly formed institutions based on the outdated, dangerous concept of individual differences. These institutions have separate restrooms for Men and Women, they have cubicles for some and offices for others and they hand out promotions based on competition and productivity! Some even have working Mother's rooms, for breastfeeding Moms, without so much as a thought for working Fathers. Do working Fathers not also want to feed their children and can they not do it as well as Mothers? My friends, we are all the same, should we not be treated equally?
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If you truly believe we are all of the same intelligence level, you have not read The Bell Curve.
Show me a working father that can lactate and you will get your "Working Father's Room"
I'm thinking you are a little insane with this last blog entry.
Finally!! We get an Orwellian glimpse at the intellectual prowess that resides within “George.” I am bathing in the sarcasm that this post has pooled up in societies inadequacies. Flip this post over and read it from the back and suddenly one is transported through the doors into some dark, dank, mold ridden socialist think tank. The carcass of our great Republic is being picked over by the scavengers of freedom. Will we stand the test? How can we? We are already a dead carcass.
{We have given you} “A republic, if you can keep it.” Franklin
Look not upon us in disgust, Mr. Franklin. The cross of freedom was too much for us to bear. The temptation towards laziness, towards electing fools, towards waging war, towards euthanizing millions of unborn babies was just too great for us.
Uxorious One
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Congratulations on stirring up the rabble and getting them out of the e-woodwork. Although, I must chastise you for using such an easy target. The masses are easily excitable to indignation or despair when it comes to questions of their "equality".
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